Tag: Revelation

  • Adiyisem ofa 9

    Adinkra English (King James Version)

  • Adiyisem 8: 13

    Adiyisem Uq saU Adinkra na mIhunui, na mItII se ckcdIe biakO a ctu faa sOrO mfimfini nO dI nnI kesIe tIAAm se: wcn a wctI asasI sOc nO nnuE, wcnnuE, wcnnuE, totorobentO a aka a baasa nO rIbeSenI nO nnI nO nti! English (KJV) And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst…

  • Adiyisem 8: 12

    Adiyisem Uq spU Adinkra na cbcfOc a ctc sO nnan nO SenII. na wcbcc owia nQIQemu mmiensa mu biakO nI csranI nQIQemu mmiensa mu biakO nI nsOrOmma nQIQemu mmiensa mu biakO, na nQIQemu mmiensa mu biakO nO duduruu sum, na adIQIIe mu nQIQemu mmiensa mu biakO anSIren, na anajO nsO saa ara. English (KJV) And…

  • Adiyisem 8: 11

    Adiyisem Uq ssU Adinkra na nsOrOmma nO din dI cMOnO, na nsuo nO nQIQemu mmiensa mu biakO danII cMOnO, na nnipa pii wuwui, nsuo nO MOnO a aye nO nti. English (KJV) And the name of the star is called wormwood: and the third of the waters became wormwood: and many men died of the…

  • Adiyisem 8: 10

    Adiyisem Uq sgU Adinkra na cbcfOc a ctc sO mmiensa nO SenII. na nsOrOmma kesIe bi a erIderI se oZatenII firi sOrO hwII fAm, na ebehwII nsubcntInI nQIQemu mmiensa mu biakO nI nsuo Aniwa sO. English (KJV) And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a…

  • Adiyisem 8: 9

    Adiyisem Uq fU Adinkra na abcdIe a ewc akra wc pO mu nO mu nQIQemu mmiensa mu biakO wuwui, na aSen nQIQemu mmiensa mu biakO nsO seII. English (KJV) And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.

  • Adiyisem 8: 8

    Adiyisem Uq qU Adinkra na cbcfOc a ctc sO mmiEnu nO SenII. na wctOO adIe bi a etI se bIpc kesIIe a oZa rISIe twInII pO mu, na epO nQIQemu mmiensa mu biakO danII moZa, English (KJV) And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into…

  • Adiyisem 8: 7

    Adiyisem Uq uU Adinkra na dIe cdi kan nO SenII. na AsukctwIaa nI oZa a enI moZa Adi afra baI, na wctO guu asasI sO. na asasI nQIQemu mmiensa mu biakO SII, na nnua nQIQemu mmiensa mu biakO nsO SII, na nwura mOmOnO Ninaa nsO SII. English (KJV) The first angel sounded, and there followed…

  • Adiyisem 8: 6

    Adiyisem Uq CU Adinkra na abcfOc baasOn a wckurAkura ntotorobentO nsOn nO siEsiEE wcn hO se wcrIbeSenI. English (KJV) And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.

  • Adiyisem 8: 5

    aCdiyisem Uq oU aCdinkra na cbcfoCc noC faa ohwam kuruwa noC dEC afcrECbuQia noC soC Za bi See mu ma, na ctoC guu asasEC soC. na aprannaa nEC nnEC hoCdoCc nEC aCNinam nEC asasECwoCsoCc baEC. English (KJV) And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the alter, and cast it into…