Tag: Genesis

  • Genesis 1: 3

    Adinkra na oNankoCpcn kaa se: eNe hann! na eyee hann. Akan Na Onyankopon kaa se: enye hann! Na eyee hann. English And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

  • Genesis 1: 2

    Adinkra na asasEC ye sakasaka nEC hunu, na Esum wc Ebunu aCni, na NankoCpcn hoCnhoCm butuu nsuo noC aCni. Akan (Twi) Na asase ye sakasaka ne hunu, na esum wo ebunu ani, na Nyankopon honhom butuu nsuo no ani English (KJV) And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face…

  • Genesis 1: 1

    Adinkra mfitiasECe noC oNankoCpcn bcc csoCroC nEC asasEC. Akan (Twi) Mfitiasee no Onyankopon boo osoro ne asase. English (KJV) In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.