Tag: Genesis

  • Genesis 4: 15

    Adinkra na aCwuradEC ka QECree noC se: enoC nti obiara a cbekum Kain noC, wcbetc nEC wECrEC ahoCdoCc nsoCn. na aCwuradEC ycc senQECrennECe bi maa kain, na obiara a cbehu noC noC aCnku noC. Akan (Twi) Na Awurade ka kyeree no se: Eno nti obiara a obekum Kain no, wobeto ne were ahoduo nson. Na…

  • Genesis 4: 14

    Adinkra hwe, woCapamoC mEC nne aCfiri asasEC soC, na mehunta maCfiri waCnim, na maye ckoCbcni nEC asECsabcni wc asasEC soC, na obiara a cbehu mEC noC, cbeku mEC. Akan (Twi) Hwe, woapamo me nne afiri asase so, na mehunta mafiri w’anim, na maye okoboni ne asesaboni wo asase so, na obiara a obehu me no,…

  • Genesis 4: 13

    Adinkra na kain ka QECree aCwuradEC se: mEC bcnEC soC adECe soC QenEC se metumi masoCa. Akan (Twi) Na Kain ka kyeree Awurade se: Me bone so adee so kyene se metumi masoa. English (KJV) And Cain said unto the LORD, My punishment is greater than I can bear.

  • Genesis 4: 12

    Adinkra se woCdc asasEC a, erECnkc soC mma woC nEC nncbaECe bio; woCbeye ckoCbcni nEC asECsabcni wc asasEC soC. Akan (Twi) Se wodo asase a, erenko so mma wo ne nnobaee bio; wobeye okoboni ne asesaboni wo asase so. English (KJV) When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength;…

  • Genesis 4: 11

    Adinkra na afEi wcadoCmEC woC aCfiri asasEC a aCbuE nanoC aZEC woC nua moZa aCfiri woC nsaCm noC soC. Akan (Twi) Na afei woadome wo afiri asase a abue n’ano agye wo nua mogya afiri wo nsam no so. English (KJV) And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to…

  • Genesis 4: 10

    Adinkra na csEC: edECen na woCayc yi? woC nua moZa nnEC tEam fre mEC firi asasEC soC. Akan (Twi) Na ose: Edeen na woayo yi? Wo nua mogya nne team fre me firi asase so. English (KJV) And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the…

  • Genesis 4: 9

    Adinkra na aCwuradEC ka QECree kaCin se: ehEC na woC nua haCbel wc? na csEC: mECnnim, mEC nua soC hwefoCc nEC mEC anaa? Akan (Twi) Na Awurade ka kyeree Kain se: Ehe na wo nua Habel wo? Na ose: Mennim, me nua so hwefuo ne me anaa? English (KJV) And the LORD said unto Cain,…

  • Genesis 4: 8

    Adinkra na kaCin nEC nEC nua haCbel kasaEC, na ebaa se wcwc aCfuom noC, kaCin scrEC tiaa nEC nua haCbel, na ckum noC. Akan (Twi) Na Kain ne ne nua Habel kasae, na ebaa se wowo afuom no, Kain sore tiaa ne nua Habel, na okum no. English (KJV) And Cain talked with Abel his…

  • Genesis 4: 7

    Adinkra se woCye yiE a, anka waCnim rECnTEC anaa? na se woCaNe yiE a, bcnEC butu epoCnoC anoC, na waCQiri qan na ehwEChwe, nansoC di nEC soC. Akan (Twi) Se woye yie a, anka w’anim rente anaa? Na se woanye yie a, bone butu epono ano, na w’akyiri kwan na ehwehwe, nanso di ne so.…

  • Genesis 4: 5

    Adinkra nansoC kaCin nEC nayeyedECe dECe, naCni ansc. na kaCin boC fuu pii, na cmunaEC. Akan nanso Kain ne n’ayeyedee dee, n’ani anso. Na Kain bo fuu pii, na omunae. English But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.