Tag: Genesis

  • Genesis 5: 8

    Adinkra na sEt nna Ninaa ye mfECe ahankroCn nEC dumiEnu, na cwui. Akan (Twi) Na Set nna nyinaa ye mfee ahankron ne dumienu, na owui. English (KJV) And all the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years: and he died.

  • Genesis 5: 7

    Adinkra na sEt woCoC Enos noC aCQiri noC, cdii mfECe ahanwctwEC nEC nsoCn, na cwoCoC mmabarima nEC mma mmaa. Akan (Twi) Na Set woo Enos no akyiri no, odii mfee ahanwotwe ne nson, na owoo mmabarima ne mma mmaa. English (KJV) And Seth lived after he begat Enos eight hundred and seven years, and begat…

  • Genesis 5: 6

    Adinkra na sEt dii mfirinSia cha nEC nnum na cwoCoC Enos. Akan (Twi) Na Set dii mfirinhyia oha ne nnum na owoo Enos. English (KJV) And Seth lived an hundred and five years, and begat Enos:

  • Genesis 5: 5

    Adinkra na adam nna a cdiie Ninaa ye mfECe ahankroCn aCduasa, na cwui. Akan (Twi) Na Adam nna a odiie nyinaa ye mfee ahankron aduasa, na owui. English (KJV) And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.

  • Genesis 5: 4

    Adinkra na nna a adam woCoC sEt noC aCQiri noC cdiie ye mfirinSia ahanwctwEC, na cwoCoC mmabarima nEC mma mmaa. Akan (Twi) Na nna a Adam woo Set no akyiri no odiie ye mfirinhyia ahanwotwe, na owoo mmabarima ne mma mmaa. English (KJV) And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight…

  • Genesis 5: 3

    Adinkra na adam dii mfirinSia cha aCduasa na cwoCoC cba wc nEC nsesoCc so se nEC suban, na ctoCoC noC din sEt. Akan (Twi) Na Adam dii mfirinhyia oha aduasa na owoo oba wo ne nsesuo so se ne suban, na otoo no din Set. English (KJV) And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years,…

  • Genesis 5: 2

    Adinkra cbarima nEC cbaa na cbcc wcn, na cSiraa wcn, na ctoCoC wcn din onipa, eda a cbcc wcn noC. Akan (Twi) obarima ne obaa na oboo won, na ohyiraa won, na otoo won din onipa, eda a oboo won no. English (KJV) Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their…

  • Genesis ofa 5

    aCdinkra Akan (Twi) English (King James Version)

  • Genesis 5: 1

    Adinkra adam awoCc ntoCatoCasoCc nwoCma niE: da a oNankoCpcn bcc onipa noC, nEC suban soC na cycc noC; Akan (Twi) Adan awuo ntoatoasuo nwoma nie: Da a Onyankopon boo onipa no, ne suban so na oyoo no; English (KJV) This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man,…

  • Genesis 4: 26

    Adinkra na sEt nsoC, wcwoCoC cba maa noC, na ctoCoC noC din Enos. ebECre noC mu na wcfirii asECe bcc aCwuradEC din. Akan (Twi) Na Set nso, wowoo oba maa no, na otoo no din Enos. Ebere no mu na wofirii asee boo Awurade din. English (KJV) And to Seth, to him also there was…