Tag: 1 Corinthians

  • 1 Korintofuo 1: 25

    Adinkra efiri se NankoCpcn nqasECasem wc Nansa QenEC nnipa, na NankoCpcn mmECre ye dECn QenEC nnipa. Akan(Twi) Efiri se Nyankopon nkwaseasem wo nyansa kyene nnipa, na Nyankopon mmere ye den kyene nnipa. English(KJV) Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

  • 1 Korintofuo 1: 24

    Adinkra na wcn a wcafre wcn noC dECe, yudafoCc oo, hEClafoCc oo, yeka wcn kristo, NankoCpcn tumi nEC NankoCpcn Nansa hoC asem. Akan(Twi) Na won a woafre won no dee, Yudafuo oo, Helafuo oo, yeka won Kristo, Nyankopon tumi ne Nyankopon nyansa ho asem. English(KJV) But unto them which are called, Both Jews and Greeks,…

  • 1 Korintofuo 1: 23

    Adinkra na yen dECe, yeka kristo a wcbcc noC asennua mu noC hoC asem; cye suntidua ma yudafoCc, na cye nqasECasem ma amanaman mufoCc. Akan(Twi) na yen dee, yeka Kristo a woboo no asennua mu no ho asem; oye suntidua ma Yudafuo, na oye nkwaseasem ma amanaman mufuo. English(KJV) But we preach Christ crucified, unto…

  • 1 Korintofuo 1: 22

    Adinkra efiri se yudafoCc bisa nsenQECrennECe, na hEClafoCc nsoC hwEChwe Nansa; Akan(Twi) Efiri se Yudafuo bisa nsenkyerennee, na Helafuo nso hwehwe nyansa; English(KJV) For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom:

  • 1 Korintofuo 1: 21

    Adinkra na wiasEC amfa Nansa soC aCnhunu oNankoCpcn wc NankoCpcn Nansa mu nti, escc NankoCpcn aCni se cnam asenka noC nqasECasem soC beZEC wcn a wcZEC diE noC nqa. Akan(Twi) Na wiase amfa nyansa so anhunu Onyankopon wo Nyankopon nyansa mu nti, esoo Nyankopon ani se onam asenka no nkwaseasem so begye won a wogye…

  • 1 Korintofuo 1: 20

    Adinkra oNansafoCc wc hEC? twECrefoCc wc hEC? wiE yi asEC QinNECZECfoCc wc hEC? oNankoCpcn nnanECEC wiasEC yi Nansa nqasECasem anaa? Akan Onyansafuo wo he? Twerefuo wo he? Wie yi ase kyinnyegyefuo wo he? Onyankopon nnanee wiase yi nyansa nkwaseasem anaa? English Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this…

  • 1 Korintofuo 1: 19

    Adinkra efiri se wcatwECre se: meseEC aNansafoCc Nansa, na mema aCnimdECfoCc nimdECe aye qa. Akan Efiri se woatwere se: Mesee anyansafuo nyansa, na mema animdefuo nimdee aye kwa. English For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.

  • 1 Korintofuo 1: 18

    Adinkra na asennua noC hoC asem noC ye nqasECasem ma wcn a wcrECyECra, na eye NankoCpcn tumi ma yen a wcrECZEC yen nqa noC. Akan Na asennua no ho asem no ye nkwaseasem ma won a woreyera, na eye Nyankopon tumi ma yen a woregye yen nkwa no. English For the preaching of the cross…

  • 1 Korintofuo 1: 17

    Adinkra efiri se kristo ansoCma mEC se mECmmebc aCsu, na mmom se mECmmeka asempa noC, eNe Nansasenka mu, na kristo asennua noC aNe cqa. Akan Efiri se Kristo ansoma me se memmebo asu, na mmom se memmeka asempa no, enye nyansasenka mu, na Kristo asennua no anye okwa. English For Christ sent me not to…

  • 1 Korintofuo 1: 16

    Adinkra afEi nso mECbcc stECfana fiEfoCc aCsu, na nkaECe noC dECe, se mECbcc obi aCsu a, mECnnim. Akan Afei nso meboo Stefana fiefuo asu, na nkaee no dee, se meboo obi asu a, mennim. English And I baptized also the household of Stephanas: besides, I know not whether I baptized any other.