Akan (Twi) Bible

  • Mateo 4: 15

    matECo Ud soU aCdinkra sEbulon asasEC nEC naftali asasEC, epoC qan soC, yordan aCZa, amanaman galilECa, English (KJV) The land of Zabulon, and the land of Nephthalim, by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles;

  • Mateo 4: 14

    matECo Ud sdU aCdinkra na dECe odiyifoCc yEsaia kaECe noC aba mu se: English That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying,

  • Mateo 4: 13

    matECo Ud saU aCdinkra na cfirii nasarEt kctECnaa kapErnaum a ewc mpoCanoC, sEbulon nEC naftali aSECe soC, English And leaving Nazareth, he came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is upon the sea coast, in the borders of Zabulon and Nephthalim:

  • Mateo 4: 12

    matECo Ud spU aCdinkra na yEsu tECEC se wcaCyi yohanEC ama noC, csiim kcc galilECa. English Now when Jesus had heard that John was cast into prison, he departed into Galilee;

  • Mateo 4: 11

    matECo Ud ssU aCdinkra enna cboCnsam Zaa noC hc, na hwe, abcfoCc ba besoCm noC. English Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.

  • Mateo 4: 10

    matECo Ud sgU aCdinkra enna yEsu sECEC noC se: firi hc, saCtan! na wcatwECre se: koCtoC scrEC aCwuradEC, woC NankoCpcn, na cnoC nkoC ara na soCm noC.

  • Mateo 4: 9

    matECo Ud fU aCdinkra na csECEC noC se: se woCbekoCtoC ascrEC mEC a, anka mECdEC yEinoCm Ninaa bema woC.

  • Mateo 4: 8

    matECo Ud qU aCdinkra na cboCnsam faa noC bio kcc bECpc tECntECECntECn bi soC, na cQECree noC wiasEC ahECnniE Ninaa nEC Emu aCnimuoNam,

  • Mateo 4: 7

    matECo Ud uU aCdinkra yEsu sECEC noC se: wcatwECre bio se: nsc aCwuradEC, woC NankoCpcn, nhwe!

  • Mateo 4: 6

    matECo Ud CU aCdinkra na csECEC noC se: se woCnEC NankoCpcn ba noC a, toC woC hoC twECnEC faCm; na wcatwECre se: woC nti cbeSe abcfra, na wcabesoCa woC wcn nsaCm, na woCamfa woC nan ampECm boCc.

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