Category: Yohane

  • Yohane 8: 6

    Adinkra na yEi dECe, wcka dEC scc noC hweEC, na wcaCNa biribi akctoCtoC nanoC. na yEsu bree nEC mu asEC dEC nEC nsatECaa twECretwECree faCm. Akan Na yei dee, woka dee soo no hwee, na woanya biribi akototo n’ano. Na Yesu bree ne mu ase de ne nsateaa tweretweree fam. English This they said, tempting…

  • Yohane 8: 5

    Adinkra nsoC mosE See yen mmara noC mu se wcnsi nnipa a etEC see aboCc; na woC nsoC, woCsEC sen? Akan Nso Mose hyee yen mmara no mu se wonsi nnipa a ete see abuo; na wo nso, wose sen? English Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what…

  • Yohane 8: 4

    Adinkra wcka QECree noC se: QECreQECrefoCc, wcaQECrEC cbaa yi aCjamammc mu wc soC pee. Akan woka kyeree no se: Kyerekyerefuo, woakyere obaa yi adwamammo mu wo so pee. English They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.

  • Yohane 8: 3

    Adinkra na twECrefoCc nEC farisifoCc noC dEC cbaa bi a wcaQEC noC aCjamammc mu baEC; na wcdEC noC beZinaa mfimfini noC, Akan Na twerefuo ne Farisifuo no de obaa bi a woakye no adwamammo mu bael; na wode no begyinaa mfimfini no, English And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in…

  • Yohane 8: 2

    Adinkra na ahECmadaQEC noC, cbaa ascrECfiE bio, na cman mu noC Ninaa baa nEC nQen; na ctECnaa asEC QECreQECree wcn. Akan Na ahemadakye no, obaa asorefie bio, na oman mu no nyinaa baa ne nkyen; na otenaa ase kyerekyeree won. English And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the…

  • Yohane ofa 8

    aCdinkra Akan (Twi) English (King James Version)

  • Yohane 8: 1

    Adinkra (na yEsu kcc ngoC bECpc noC soC. Akan (Na Yesu koo Ngo Bepo no so. English Jesus went unto the mount of Olives.

  • Yohane 7: 53

    Adinkra (na wcn Ninaa koCkcc wcn aCfiE mu mmaakoC mmaakoC.) Akan (Na won nyinaa kokoo won afie mu mmaako mmaako.) English And every man went unto his own house.

  • Yohane 7: 52

    Adinkra wcbua sECEC noC se: dabre woC nsoC woCfiri galilECa? hwEChwe mu, na woCbehunu se odiyifoCc nscrECEC wc galilECa pen. Akan Wobua see no se: Dabre wo nso wofiri Galilea? Hwehwe mu, na wobehunu se odiyifuo nsoree wo Galilea pen. English They answered and said unto him, Art thou also of Galilee? Search, and look:…

  • Yohane 7: 51

    Adinkra yen mmara ntiEE onipa na enhunuu dECe cycECe ansa a, ebu noC aten? Akan Yen mmara ntiee onipa na enhunuu dee oyoee ansa a, ebu no aten? English Doth our law judge any man, before it hear him, and know what he doeth?