Category: Yohane

  • Yohane 8: 26

    Adinkra mECwc moC hoC nsem pii a meka maCbu aten; na dECe csoCmaa mEC noC ye noCqafoCc. na dECe mECtECEC noC nEC nQen noC, enoC na mECka mECQECre wiasEC. Akan Mewo mo ho nsem pii a meka mabu aten; na dee osomaa me no ye nokwafuo. Na dee metee no ne nkyen no, eno na…

  • Yohane 8: 25

    Adinkra enna wcsECEC noC se: woCnEC hwan? na yEsu sECEC wcn se: dECe mECfiri mfitiasECe mECka mECQECree moC noC a. Akan Enna wosee no se: Wone hwan? Na Yesu see won se: Dee mefiri mfitiasee meka mekyeree mo no a. English Then said they unto him, Who art thou? And Jesus saith unto them, Even…

  • Yohane 8: 24

    Adinkra Enti mECsEC moC se: moCbewu moC bcnEC mu, na se moCanNEC aCnni se mECnEC noC a, moCbewu moC bcnEC mu. Akan Enti mese mo se: Mobewu mo bone mu, na se moannye anni se mene no a, mobewu mo bone mu. English I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins:…

  • Yohane 8: 23

    Adinkra na csECEC wcn se: moC dECe, moCfiri faCm, mEC dECe, mECfiri soCroC. moCfiri EwiE yi asEC; mEC dECe, mECmfiri EwiE yi asEC. Akan Na osee won se: Mo dee, mofiri fam, me dee, mefiri soro. Mofiri ewie yi ase; me dee, memfiri ewie yi ase. English And he said unto them, Ye are from…

  • Yohane 8: 22

    Adinkra enna yudafoCc noC kaa se: crECbedi nEC hoC aCwu anaa, Enti na csECEC: faakoC a mECrECkoCrc noC, moC dECe, moCntumi mma hc? Akan Enna Yudafuo no kaa se: Orebedi ne ho awu anaa, enti na osee: Faako a merekoro no, mo dee, montumi mma ho? English Then said the Jews, Will he kill himself?…

  • Yohane 8: 21

    Adinkra enna csECEC wcn bio se: mEC dECe, mECrECkc, na moCbehwEChwe mEC, na moCbewu moC bcnEC mu; na faakoC a mECrECkoCrc noC, moC dECe, moCntumi mma hc. Akan Enna osee won bio se: Me dee, mereko, na mobehwehwe me, na mobewu mo bone mu; na faako a merekoro no, mo dee, montumi mma ho. English…

  • Yohane 8: 20

    Adinkra crECQECreQECre ascrECfiE noC, na ckaa nsem yi sikakoCrabECa hc; na obi anQEC noC, efiri se na nEC dcn nNa nnurui. Akan Orekyerekyere asorefie no, na okaa nsem yi sikakorabea ho; na obi ankye no, efiri se na ne don nnya nnurui. English These words spake Jesus in the treasury, as he taught in the…

  • Yohane 8: 19

    Adinkra enna wcsECEC noC se: ehEC na waCZa wc? yEsu buaa se: moCnni mEC, na moCnnim maCZa nsoC; se moCni mEC a, anka moCnim maCZa noC nsoC. Akan Enna wosee no se: Ehe na w’agya wo? Yesu buaa se: Monni me, na monnim m’agya nso; se moni me a, anka monim m’agya no nso. English…

  • Yohane 8: 18

    Adinkra mEC na mECdi mEC hoC adansECe, na aCZa a csoCmaa mEC noC nsoC di mEC hoC adansECe. Akan Me na medi me ho adansee, na agya a osomaa me no nso di me ho adansee. English I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me.

  • Yohane 8: 17

    Adinkra na wcatwECre noC moC mmara nwoCma noC mu nsoC se: nnipa baCaCnu adansECe ye noCkoCre. Akan Na woatwere no mo mmara nwoma no mu nso se: Nnipa baanu adansee ye nokore. English It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true.