Category: Yohane

  • Yohane 8: 56

    Adinkra moC aCZa abraham hoC sanECEC noC se cbehu mEC da; na chunui, na naCni ZECEC. Akan Mo agya Abraham ho sanee no se obehu me da; na ohunui, na n’ani gyee. English Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad.

  • Yohane 8: 55

    Adinkra nsoC moCaCnhu noC, na mEC dECe, mECni noC; na se mECka se mECnni noC a, mECye ctoCroCfoCc tEC se moC. nansoC mECni noC, na mECdi nasem so. Akan Nso moanhu no, na me dee, meni no; na se meka se menni no a, meye otorofuo te se mo. Nanso meni no, na medi n’asem…

  • Yohane 8: 54

    Adinkra yEsu buaa se: se mECSe mEC hoC aCnimuoNam a, maCnimuoNam noC Ne hwECEC: eye maCZa a moCka se cnEC moC NankoCpcn noC na cSe mEC aCnimuoNam. Akan Yesu buaa se: Se mehye me ho animuonyam a, m’animuonyam no nye hwee: eye m’agya a moka se one mo Nyankopon no na ohye me animuonyam. English…

  • Yohane 8: 53

    Adinkra woCye kesECe sECnEC yen aCZa abraham a cwuie noC? na aCdiyifoCc noC nsoC wui; woCrECye woC hoC hwan ni? Akan Woye kesee sene yen agya Abraham a owuie no? na adiyifuo no nso wui; woreye wo ho hwan ni? English Art thou greater than our father Abraham, which is dead? and prophets are dead:…

  • Yohane 8: 52

    Adinkra enna yudafoCc noC sECEC noC se: afEi na yeaChunu se woCwc hoCnhoCmmcnEC. abraham nEC aCdiyifoCc noC wuwui, na woC dECe, woCsEC: se obi di masem soC a, crECnka owuo nhwe ara da. Akan Enna Yudafuo no see no se: Afei na yeahunu se wowo honhommone. Abraham ne adiyifuo no wuwui, na wo dee, wose:…

  • Yohane 8: 51

    Adinkra noCkoCre, noCkoCre mECsEC moC se, obi di masem soC a, crECnhunu owuo ara da. Akan Nokore, nokore mese mo se, obi di m’asem so a, orenhunu owuo ara da. English Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death.

  • Yohane 8: 50

    Adinkra mEC dECe, mECnhwEChwe mEC ara maCnimuoNam; obi wc hc a chwEChwe na cbu aten. Akan Me dee, menhwehwe me ara m’animuonyam; obi wo ho a ohwehwe na obu aten. English And I seek not mine own glory: there is one that seeketh and judgeth.

  • Yohane 8: 49

    Adinkra yEsu buaa se: mEC dECe, mECnni hoCnhoCmmcnEC; na mECdi maCZa noC ni, na moC dECe, moCSe mEC ahoChoCraa. Akan Yesu buaa se: Me dee, menni honhommone; na medi m’agya no ni, na mo dee, nohye me ahohoraa. English Jesus answered, I have not a devil; but I honour my Father, and ye do dishonour…

  • Yohane 8: 48

    Adinkra enna yudafoCc noC bua sECEC noC se: yeanka ampa se woCye samaCriani na woCwc hoCnhoCmmcnEC? Akan Enna Yudafuo no bua see no se: Yeanka ampa se woye Samariani na wowo honhommone? English Than answered the Jews, and said unto him, Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a devil?

  • Yohane 8: 47

    Adinkra dECe cfiri NankoCpcn mu noC tiE NankoCpcn asem, yEi nti moCntiE, efiri se moCmfiri NankoCpcn mu. Akan Dee ofiri Nyankopon mu no tie Nyankopon asem, yei nti montie, efiri se momfiri Nyankopon mu. English He that is of God heareth God’s words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.