Category: Yohane

  • Yohane 9: 36

    Adinkra cbuaa se: hwan nEC noC, owura, na mECnNEC no mECnni? Akan (Twi) Obuaa se: Hwan ne no, Owura, na mennye no menni? English (KJV) He answered and said, Who is he, Lord, that I might believe on him?

  • Yohane 9: 35

    Adinkra yEsu tECEC se wcapaCmoC noC aCfiri aCdiE; na chunuu noC noC, ckaa se: woCZEC onipa ba noC di anaa? Akan (Twi) Yesu tee se woapamo no afiri adie; na ohunuu no no, okaa se: Wogye onipa ba no di anaa? English (KJV) Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when he had…

  • Yohane 9: 34

    Adinkra wcbua sECEC noC se: woC dECe, bcnEC mu koCraa na wcwoCoC woCc, na woC na woCQECreQECre yen? na wcpaCmoCoC noC firii aCdi. Akan (Twi) Wobua see no se: Wo dee, bone mu koraa na wowoo wuo, na wo na wokyerekyere yen? Na wopamoo no firii adi. English (KJV) They answered and said unto him,…

  • Yohane 9: 33

    Adinkra se oyi mfiri NankoCpcn nQen a, anka crEntumi Nc hwECEC. Akan (Twi) Se oyi mfiri Nyankopon nkyen a, anka orentumi nyo hwee. English (KJV) If this man were not of God, he could do nothing.

  • Yohane 9: 32

    Adinkra efiri wiasEC mfitiasECe wcntECEC se obi aCbuE dECe wcwoCoC noC onifirani aCni pen. Akan (Twi) Efiri wiase mfitiasee wontee se obi abue dee wowoo no onifirani ani pen. English (KJV) Since the world began was it not heard that any man opened the eyes of one that was born blind.

  • Yohane 9: 31

    Adinkra na yenim se oNankoCpcn ntiE cdECbcnECyeni; na se obi ferEC oNankoCpcn na cyc dECe cpe a, cnoC na ctiE noC. Akan (Twi) Na yenim se Onyankopon ntie odeboneyeni; na se obi fere Onyankopon na oyo dee ope a, ono na otie no. English Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any…

  • Yohane 9: 30

    Adinkra onipa noC bua sECEC wcn se: yEi na eye nwanwa se moCnnim faakoC a cfirEC, nansoC cbuEE maCni. Akan (Twi) Onipa no bua see won se: Yei na eye nwanwa se monnim faako a ofire, nanso obuee m’ani. English The man answered and said unto them, Why herein is a marvellous thing, that ye…

  • Yohane 9: 29

    Adinkra yenim se oNankoCpcn kasa QECree mosE; na oyi dECe, yennim faakoC a cfirEC. Akan Yenim se Onyankopon kasa kyeree Mose; na oyi dee, yennim faako a ofire. English We know that God spake unto Moses: as for this fellow, we know not from whence he is.

  • Yohane 9: 28

    Adinkra wcyaa noC, na wckaa se: woC na woCye nEC suani; na yen dECe, mosE aCsuafoCc nEC yen. Akan Woyaa no, na wokaa se: Wo na woye ne suani; na yen dee, Mose asuafuo ne yen. English Then they reviled him, and said, Thou art his disciple; but we are Moses’ disciples.

  • Yohane 9: 27

    Adinkra cbuaa wcn se: maka maQECre moC dada, na moCantEC? edECen na moCpe se moCtEC bio? moC nsoC moCpe se moCdanEC naCsuafoCc? Akan Obuaa won se: maka makyere mo dada, na moante? Edeen na mope se mote bio? Mo nso mope se modane n’asuafuo? English He answered them, I have told you already, and ye…