Category: Yohane

  • Yohane 10: 4

    Adinkra na cma cnoC ara nEC nnwan firi aCdi a, cdi wcn aCnim; na nnwan noC di naCQi, efiri se wcnim nEC nnEC. Akan (Twi) Na oma ono ara ne nnwan firi adi a, odi won anim; na nnwan no di n’akyi, efiri se wonim ne nne. English (KJV) And when he putteth forth his…

  • Yohane 10: 3

    Adinkra cnoC na epoCnoC anoC hwefoCc hini ma noC, na nnwan noC tEC nEC nnEC, na cbc cnoC ara nEC nnwan din fre wcn firi aCdi. Akan (Twi) Ono na epono ano hwefuo hini ma no, na nnwan no te ne nne, na obo ono ara ne nnwan din fre won firi adi. English (KJV)…

  • Yohane 10: 2

    Adinkra na dECe cfa epoCnoC anoC kc mu noC nEC nnwan noC hwefoCc. Akan (Twi) Na dee ofa epono ano ko mu no ne nnwan no hwefuo. English (KJV) But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.

  • Yohane ofa 10

    aCdinkra Akan (Twi) English (King James Version)

  • Yohane 10: 1

    Adinkra noCkoCre, noCkoCre mECsEC moC se, dECe cmfa epoCnoC anoC nkc nnwammuo mu na cfoCroC fa baCaCbi noC, cye owifoCc nEC ojotwafoCc; Akan (Twi) Nokore, nokore mese mo se, dee omfa epono ano nko nnwammuo mu na oforo fa baabi no, oye owifuo ne odwotwafuo; English (KJV) Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that…

  • Yohane 9: 41

    Adinkra yEsu bua sECEC wcn se: se moCye aCnifirafoCc a, anka moCnni bcnEC; na aCfEi moCsEC: yehunu adECe Enti na moC bcnEC aka. Akan (Twi) Yesu bua see won se: Se moye anifirafuo a, anka monni bone; na afei mose: Yehunu adee enti na mo bone aka. English (KJV) Jesus said unto them, If ye…

  • Yohane 9: 40

    Adinkra na farisifoCc noC mu bi a wcnEC noC wc hc noC tECEC nsem yi, na wcsECEC noC se: na yen nsoC yeye aCnifirafoCc? Akan (Twi) Na Farisifuo no mu bi a wone no wo ho no tee nsem yi, na wosee no se: Na yen nso yeye anifirafuo? English (KJV) And some of the…

  • Yohane 9: 39

    Adinkra na yEsu kaa se: atEmmuo nti na mECbaa EwiE yi asECe, na wcn a wcnhunu adECe noC aChunu, na wcn a wchunu adECe noC adanEC aCnifirafoCc. Akan (Twi) Na Yesu kaa se: Atemmuo nti na mebaa ewie yi asee, na won a wonhunu adee no ahunu, na won a wohunu adee no adane anifirafuo.…

  • Yohane 9: 38

    Adinkra na csEC: mECZEC mECdi, aCwuradEC! na ckoCtoC scrECEC noC. Akan (Twi) Na ose: Megye medi, Awurade! Na okoto soree no. English (KJV) And he said, Lord, I believe. And he worshipped him.

  • Yohane 9: 37

    Adinkra na yEsu sECEC noC se: woaChu noC, na dECe cnEC woC rECkasa yi, cnEC noC. Akan (Twi) Na Yesu see no se: Woahu no, na dee one wo rekasa yi, one no. English (KJV) And Jesus said unto him, Thou hast both seen him, and it is he that talketh with thee.