Category: Yohane

  • Yohane 11: 11

    Adinkra ckaa yEinoCm, na enoC aCQiri noC, csECEC wcn se: yen adamfoC lasaro ada; na mECrECkc makcNanEC noC. Akan (Twi) Okaa yeinom, na eno akyiri no, osee won se: Yen adamfo Lasaro ada; na mereko makonyane no. English (KJV) These things said he: and after that he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but…

  • Yohane 11: 10

    Adinkra na se obi nam anajo a, csunti, efiri se hann nni nEC mu. Akan (Twi) na se obi nam anadwo a, osunti, efiri se hann nni ne mu. English (KJV) But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him.

  • Yohane 11: 9

    Adinkra yEsu buaa se: eNe nncnhwECrECe dumiEnu na ewc da biakoC mu? se obi nam aCwia a, cnsunti, efiri se chunu wi yi asEC hann; Akan (Twi) Yesu buaa se: Enye nnonhweree dumienu na ewo da biako mu? se obi nam awia a, onsunti, efiri se ohunu wi yi ase hann; English (KJV) Jesus answered,…

  • Yohane 11: 8

    Adinkra aCsuafoCc noC sECEC noC se: rabi, nnansa yi ara, na yudafoCc rEChwEChwe se wcsi woC aboCc, na woCrECkc hc bio yi? Akan (Twi) Asuafuo no see no se: Rabi, nnansa yi ara, na Yudafuo rehwehwe se wosi wo abuo, na woreko ho bio yi? English (KJV) His disciples say unto him, Master, the Jews…

  • Yohane 11: 7

    Adinkra na enoC aCQiri noC, csECEC naCsuafoCc noC se: moCmma yenkc yudECa bio! Akan (Twi) Na eno akyiri no, osee n’asuafuo no se: Momma yenko Yudea bio! English (KJV) Then after that saith he to his disciples, Let us go into Judaea again.

  • Yohane 11: 6

    Adinkra na afEi ctECEC se cyarECe noC ctECnaa faakoC a cwc hc noC ara nnanu. Akan (Twi) Na afei otee se oyaree no otenaa faako a owo ho no ara nnanu. English (KJV) When he had heard therefore that he was sick, he abode two days still in the same place where he was.

  • Yohane 11: 5

    Adinkra nsoC yEsu dc marta nEC nEC nuabaa noC nEC lasaro. Akan (Twi) Nso Yesu do Marta ne ne nuabaa no ne Lasaro. English (KJV) Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus.

  • Yohane 11: 4

    Adinkra na yEsu tECECe noC, ckaa se: yadECe yi Ne owuo yadECe, na NankoCpcn aCnimuoNam ntira, se wcbefa soC aSe NankoCpcn ba noC aCnimuoNam. Akan (Twi) Na Yesu teee no, okaa se: Yadee yi nye owuo yadee, na Nyankopon animounyam ntira, se wobefa so ahye Nyankopon ba no animuonyam. English (KJV) When Jesus heard that,…

  • Yohane 11: 3

    Adinkra Enti nEC nuanoCm soCma baa nEC nQen se: aCwuradEC, hwe, dECe woCdc noC noC yarEC. Akan (Twi) Enti ne nuanom soma baa ne nkyen se: Awurade, hwe, dee wodo no no yare. English (KJV) Therefore his sisters sent unto him, saying, Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest is sick.

  • Yohane 11: 2

    Adinkra na eye maria a cdEC ngoC hwaCmhwam sraa aCwruradEC na cdEC nEC tiri nwi pECpaa nEC nan hoC noC na nEC nua lasaro yarECe noC. Akan (Twi) Na eye Maria a ode ngo hwamhwam sraa Awurade na ode ne tiri nwi pepaa ne nan ho no na ne nua Lasaro yaree no. English (KJV)…