Category: Yohane

  • Yohane 11: 30

    Adinkra nansoC na yEsu nNa nSenECEC kuro noC mu, na cwc dECe marta beSiaa noC hc. Akan (Twi) Nanso na Yesu nnya nhyenee kuro no mu, na owo dee Marta behyiaa no ho. English (KJV) Now Jesus was not yet come into the town, but was in that place where Martha met him.

  • Yohane 11: 29

    Adinkra cnoC nsoC tECECe noC, cscrECEC ntem baa nEC nQen. Akan (Twi) Ono nso teee no, osoree ntem baa ne nkyen. English (KJV) As soon as she heard that, she arose quickly, and came unto him.

  • Yohane 11: 28

    Adinkra na ckaa saa noC, csiim kcfree nEC nua maria koCkoCaCm se: QECreQECrefoCc noC aba, na crECfre woC. Akan (Twi) Na okaa saa no, osiim kofree ne nua Maria kokoam se: Kyerekyerefuo no aba, na orefre wo. English (KJV) And when she had so said, she went her way, and called Mary her sister secretly,…

  • Yohane 11: 27

    Adinkra csECEC noC se: aanEC, aCwuradEC, mECZEC mECdi se woCnEC kristo noC, NankoCpcn ba a crECba wiasEC noC. Akan (Twi) Osee no se: Aane, Awurade, megye medi se wone Kristo no, Nyankopon ba a oreba wiase no. English (KJV) She saith unto him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of…

  • Yohane 11: 26

    Adinkra na obiara a ctEC asEC na cZEC mEC diE noC rECnwu da. woCZEC yEi di anaa? Akan (Twi) Na obiara a ote ase na ogye me die no renwu da. Wogye yei di anaa? English (KJV) And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?

  • Genesis 4: 6

    Adinkra na aCwuradEC ka QECree kaCin se: aden nti na woC boC aCfuo, na aden nti na woCaCmuna yi? Akan (Twi) Na Awurade ka kyeree Kain se: Aden nti ha wo bo afuo, na aden nti na woamuna yi? English (KJV) And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy…

  • Yohane 11: 25

    Adinkra yEsu sECEC noC se: mECnEC owuscrECe nEC nqa; dECe cZEC mEC diE noC se waCwu mpo a, cbeNa nqa. Akan (Twi) Yesu see no se: Mene owusoree ne nkwa; dee ogye me die no se wawu mpo a, obenya nkwa. English (KJV) Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he…

  • Yohane 11: 24

    Adinkra marta sECEC noC se: mECnim se owuscrECe mu, da a edi aCQirE noC, cbescrEC. Akan (Twi) Marta see no se: Menim se owusoree mu, da a edi akyire no, obesore. English (KJV) Martha said unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day.

  • Yohane 11: 23

    Adinkra yEsu sECEC noC se: woC nuabarima noC bescrEC bio. Akan (Twi) Yesu see no se: Wo nuabarima no besore bio. English (KJV) Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again.

  • Yohane 11: 22

    Adinkra na sEEsEi mpo mECnim se biribiara a woCbebisa oNankoCpcn noC, oNankoCpcn dEC bema woC. Akan (Twi) Na seesei menim se biribiara a wobebisa Onyankopon no, Onyankopon de bema wo. English (KJV) But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee.