Category: Yohane

  • Yohane 12: 23

    Adinkra na yEsu buaa wcn se: dcn noC aCduru se wcbeSe onipa ba noC aCnimuoNam. Akan (Twi) Na Yesu buaa won se: Don no aduru se wobehye onipa ba no animuonyam. English (KJV) And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified.

  • Yohane 12: 22

    Adinkra filipo ba beka QECree andrEa, na afEi andrEa nEC filipo beka QECree yEsu. Akan (Twi) Filipo ba beka kyeree Andrea, na afei Andrea ne Filipo beka kyeree Yesu. English (KJV) Philip cometh and telleth Andrew: and again Andrew and Philip tell Jesus.

  • Yohane 12: 21

    Adinkra enna yEinoCm baa filipo a cfiri bEtsaida a ewc galilEa noC nQen, na wcbesree: owura, yepe se yehunu yEsu. Akan (Twi) enna yeinom baa Filipo a ofiri Betsaida a ewo Galilea no nkyen, na wobesree: Owura, yepe se yehunu Yesu. English (KJV) The same came therefore to Philip, which was of Bethsaida of Galilee,…

  • Yohane 12: 20

    Adinkra na hElafoCc bi wc wcn a wcbaa se wcrECbescrEC afaSe noC asEC noC mu; Akan (Twi) Na Helafuo bi wo won a wobaa se worebesore afahye no ase no mu; English (KJV) And there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast:

  • Yohane 12: 19

    Adinkra enna farisifoCc noC kaa noC wcn mu se: moChunu se moCntumi Nc hoC hwECEC; hwe, wiasEC aCtu di naCQi. Akan (Twi) Enna Farisifuo no kaa no won mu se: Mohunu se montumi nyo ho hwee; hwe, wiase atu di n’akyi. English (KJV) The Pharisees therefore said among themselves, Perceive ye how ye prevail nothing?…

  • Yohane 12: 18

    Adinkra yEi nti nsoC na nkurcfoCkuo noC kcSiaa noC, efiri se wcatEC se wayc saa senQECrennECe noC. Akan (Twi) Yei nti nso na nkurofokuo no kohyiaa no, efiri se woate se wayo saa senkyerennee no. English (KJV) For this cause the people also met him, for that they heard that he had done this miracle.

  • Yohane 12: 17

    Adinkra enna nkurcfoCkuo a wcnEC noC wc hc bECre a cfree lasaro firii adakamECna mu na cNanECEC noC firii aCwufoCc mu noC dii adansECe. Akan (Twi) Enna nkurofokuo a wone no wo ho bere a ofree Lasaro firi adakamena mu na onyanee no firii awufuo mu no dii adansee. English (KJV) The people therefore that…

  • Yohane 12: 16

    Adinkra nsoC naCsuafoCc noC aCnhunu yEinoCm kanEC noC; na oNankoCpcn See yEsu aCnimuoNam aCQiri noC, enoC na wckaECE se wcatwECre yEinoCm nEC hoC, na wcayc ama noC. Akan (Twi) Nso n’asuafuo no anhunu yeinom kane no; na Onyankopon hyee Yesu animuoyam akyiri no, eno na wokaee se woatwere yeinom ne ho, na woayo ama no.…

  • Yohane 12: 15

    Adinkra nsuro, sion babaa; hwe, woC hECnEC rECba, ctEC aCfunumu ba soC. Akan (Twi) Nsuro, Sion babaa; hwe, wo hene reba, ote afunumu ba so. English (KJV) Fear not, daughter of Sion: behold, thy king cometh, sitting on an ass’s colt.

  • Yohane 12: 14

    Adinkra na yEsu hunuu aCfunumu ba bi noC, ctECnaa nEC soC, sedECe wcatwECre se: Akan (Twi) Na Yesu hunuu afunumu ba bi no, otenaa ne so, sedee woatwere se: English (KJV) And Jesus, when he had found a young ass, sat thereon; as it is written,