Category: Yohane

  • Yohane 21: 2

    yohanEC Ups pU aCdinkra simon pEtro nEC toma a wcfre noC ata nEC natanaEl a cfiri kana a ewc galilEa nEC sEbEdEo mma nEC n’aCsuafoCc noC mu baCaCnu nsoC wc hc.

  • Yohane 21: 1

    yohanEC Ups sU aCdinkra yEinoCm aCQiri noC, yEsu yii nEC hoC QECree n’aCsuafoCc noC bio tibEria poC hoC. na sedECe cyii nEC hoC QECreECe niE.

  • Yohane 20: 1

    yohanEC Upg sU aCdinkra na da a edi nnawctwEC kan ancpatutuutu a Esum da soC wc mu noC, maria magdalEnE baa cboCba noC hoC, na cbehunuu se wcayi cboCc noC aCfiri eda noC anoC.

  • Yohane 19: 1

    yohanEC Usf sU aCdinkra enna afEi pilato faa yEsu, na ckaa noC mpirE.

  • Yohane ofa 21


  • Yohane ofa 20


  • Yohane ofa 19


  • Yohane 18: 15

    yohanEC Usq soU aCdinkra na simon pEtro nEC osuani baakoC bi dii yEsu aCQi; nsoC cscfoC paCnin noC nim osuani noC, na cnEC yEsu SenECEC cscfoC paCnin noC aban mu hc. English (KJV) And Simon Peter followed Jesus, and so did another disciple: that disciple was known unto the high priest, and went in with…

  • Yohane 18: 14

    yohanEC Usq sdU aCdinkra nsoC kaiafa noC nEC dECe ctuu yudafoCc noC foC se: eye se onipa baakoC bewu ama cman noC. English (KJV) Now Caiaphas was he, which gave counsel to the Jews, that it was expedient that one man should die for the people.

  • Yohane 18: 13

    yohanEC Usq saU aCdinkra na wcdEC noC kcc hana nQen kanEC; na kaiafa a cdi afEC noC mu scfoC paCnin asEC nEC noC. English (KJV) And led him away to Annas first; for he was father in law to Caiaphas, which was the high priest that same year.