Category: Efesofuo


  • Efesofuo ofa 1

    • UsU paulo a cnam NankoCpcn pe soC yee kristo yEsu somafoCc dEC kcma ahoCtECfoCc a wcwc EfECso a wcye kristo yEsu mu ZidifoCc:
    • 1. Paulo a onam Nyankopon pe so yee Kristo Yesu somafuo de koma ahotefuo a wowo Efeso a woye Kristo Yesu mu gyidifuo:
    • 1. Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:
  • Efesofuo 1: 1

    Adinkrapaulo a cnam NankoCpcn pe soC yee kristo yEsu somafoCc dEC kcma ahoCtECfoCc a wcwc EfECso a wcye kristo yEsu mu ZidifoCc:
    AkanPaulo a onam Nyankopon pe so yee Kristo Yesu somafuo de koma ahotefuo a wowo Efeso a woye Kristo Yesu mu gyidifuo:
    EnglishPaul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus: