Category: Apam Dada

  • Kwadwom 1: 1

    Adinkra ao, kuro a anka Emu nkurcfoCc dccso noC, cnoC nkoC ara tEC hc sen niE! dECe anka csoC amanaman mu noC, waye se okunafoCc, dECe cdi nsasEC hoCdoCc soC hECmmaa noC, waye dECe cyi toCc. Akan Ao, kuro a anka emu nkurofuo dooso no, ono nko ara te ho sen nie! Dee anka oso…

  • Yeremia ofa 1

    aCdinkra UsU hilkia ba yECrECmia a cfiri ascfoCc a wcwc anatot, bECnyamin asasEC soCc noC mu noC nsem niE. Akan 1. Hilkia ba Yeremia a ofiri asofuo a wowo Anatot, Benyamin asase suo no mu no nsem nie. English 1. The words of Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah, of the priests that were in Anathoth…

  • Yeremia 1: 1

    Adinkra hilkia ba yECrECmia a cfiri ascfoCc a wcwc anatot, bECnyamin asasEC soCc noC mu noC nsem niE. Akan Hilkia ba Yeremia a ofiri asofuo a wowo Anatot, Benyamin asase suo no mu no nsem nie. English The words of Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah, of the priests that were in Anathoth in the land…

  • Yesaia ofa 1

    aCdinkra UsU aCmos ba yEsaia aCnisoadECe a chunuu noC yuda nEC yErusalem ho, yuda ahECmfo usia nEC yotam nEC ahas nEC hEsEkia nna noC mu. Akan 1. Amos ba Yesaia anisoadee a ohunuu no Yuda ne Yerusalem ho, Yuda ahemfo Usia ne Yotam ne Ahas ne Hesekia nna no mu. English 1. The vision of…

  • Yesaia 1: 1

    Adinkra aCmos ba yEsaia aCnisoadECe a chunuu noC yuda nEC yErusalem ho, yuda ahECmfo usia nEC yotam nEC ahas nEC hEsEkia nna noC mu. Akan Amos ba Yesaia anisoadee a ohunuu no Yuda ne Yerusalem ho, Yuda ahemfo Usia ne Yotam ne Ahas ne Hesekia nna no mu. English The vision of Isaiah the son…

  • Nnwom mu dwom ofa 1

    aCdinkra UsU nnwoCm mu joCm a eye salomo dECe. Akan 1. Nnwom mu dwom a eye Salomo dee. English 1. The song of songs, which is Solomon’s.

  • Nnwom mu dwom 1: 1

    Adinkra nnwoCm mu joCm a eye salomo dECe. Akan Nnwom mu dwom a eye Salomo dee. English The song of songs, which is Solomon’s.

  • Osenkafuo ofa 1

    aCdinkra UsU dawid ba csenkafoCc a cdi hECnEC yECrusalECm no nsem niE. Akan 1. Dawid ba osenkafuo a odi hene Yerusalem no nsem nie. English 1. The words of the Preacher, the son of David, King of Jerusalem.

  • Osenkafuo 1: 1

    Adinkra dawid ba csenkafoCc a cdi hECnEC yECrusalECm no nsem niE. Akan Dawid ba osenkafuo a odi hene Yerusalem no nsem nie. English The words of the Preacher, the son of David, King of Jerusalem.

  • Hiob ofa 1

    aCdinkra UsU cbarima bi tECnaa us asasEC soC a nEC din dEC hiob; na cbarima noC di mu na ctECnEC, na csuro oNankoCpcn, na cyi nEC hoC firi bcnEC hoC. Akan 1. Obarima bi tenaa Us asase so a ne din de Hiob; na obarima no di mu na otene, na osuro Onyankopon, na oyi…