Category: Nnwom

  • Nnwom 1: 3

    Adinkra ctEC se dua a aCtim aCsubcntECnEC ho a eso naba nEC bECre mu, na nahahan mpoC, na dECe cyc Ninaa bewiE yiE. Akan Ote se dua a atim asubontene ho a eso naba ne bere mu, na nahahan mpo, na dee oyo nyinaa bewie yie. English And he shall be like a tree planted…

  • Nnwom 1: 2

    Adinkra na mmom aCwuradEC mmara sc naCni, na cjECnE nEC mmara ho aCwia nEC anajo. Akan Na mmom Awurade mmara so nani, na odwene ne mmara ho awia ne anadwo. English Be his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

  • Nnwom 1: 1

    Adinkra nSira nEC onipa a cnnantEC abcnECfoc aCZina mu, na cnNina nnECbcnECyefoc qan soc, na cntECna fedifoc tECnabECa, Akan Nhyira ne onipa a onnante abonefuo agyina mu, na onnyina nneboneyefuo kwan suo, na ontena fedifuo tenabea, English Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way…