Category: Nnwom

  • Nnwom 31: 24

    nMOm Uas pdU Adinkra mOnSe mO hO dIn na mOnsi mO bO, mO a mOtwen AwuradI Ninaa. English (KJV) Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.

  • Nnwom ofa 31

    Adinkra English (King James Version)

  • Nnwom 23: 6

    nMoCm Upa CU aCdinkra yiE nEC adcECe nkoC na ebedi m’aCQiri mEC nqa nna Ninaa,na metECna aCwuradEC fiE daa. English (KJV) Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

  • Nnwom 23: 5

    nMoCm Upa oU aCdinkra woCtoC mEC poCnoC, m’atamfoC aCnim, woCdEC ngoC fc mEC tirim,mEC kuruwa ye ma bu soC. English (KJV) Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

  • Nnwom 23: 4

    nMoCm Upa dU aCdinkra nsoC mECnam Esum kaCbii bcn noC mu a, mECnsuro bcnEC biara,efiri se woC nEC mEC na ewc hc,w’abaa nEC woC poCma na eQECQECrEC mEC wECre. English (KJV) Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod…

  • Nnwom 23: 3

    nMoCm Upa aU aCdinkra cjoCjoC mEC kra, cdEC mEC fa aqantECnECnECEC soC, nEC din nti. English (KJV) He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

  • Nnwom 23: 2

    nMoCm Upa pU aCdinkra cma mEC da wira frcmfrcm adidibECa, cZa mEC kc nsuo a ehoC joCc hoC. English (KJV) He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

  • Nnwom 23: 1

    nMoCm Upa sU aCdinkra aCwuradEC nEC mEC hwefoC, hwECEC rECnhia mEC. English (KJV) The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

  • Nnwom ofa 23

    aCdinkra English (King James Version)

  • Nnwom ofa 1

    aCdinkra UsU nSira nEC onipa a cnnantEC abcnECfoc aCZina mu, na cnNina nnECbcnECyefoc qan soc, na cntECna fedifoc tECnabECa, UpU na mmom aCwuradEC mmara sc naCni, na cjECnE nEC mmara ho aCwia nEC anajo. UaU ctEC se dua a aCtim aCsubcntECnEC ho a eso naba nEC bECre mu, na nahahan mpoC, na dECe cyc Ninaa bewiE yiE. Akan…