Category: 2 Timoteo

2 Timothy

  • 2 Timoteo ofa 1

    • UsU paulo a cnam NankoCpcn pe soC ye kristo yEsu soCmafoCc, sedECe nqa a ewc kristo yEsu mu bcSe noC tECe noC,
    • 1. Paul a onam Nyankopon pe so ye Kristo Yesu somafuo, sedee nkwa a ewo Kristo Yesu mu bohye no tee no,
    • 1. Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus,
  • 2 Timoteo 1: 1

    Adinkrapaulo a cnam NankoCpcn pe soC ye kristo yEsu soCmafoCc, sedECe nqa a ewc kristo yEsu mu bcSe noC tECe noC,
    AkanPaul a onam Nyankopon pe so ye Kristo Yesu somafuo, sedee nkwa a ewo Kristo Yesu mu bohye no tee no,
    EnglishPaul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus,