Adiyisem 4: 6

Adinkrana ahwEChwe poC a etEC se ahwEChwe wc ahECnnwa noC aCnim, na atECasECfoCc baanan a aCni ayECye wcn aCnim nEC wcn aCQiri mama woCwc ahECnnwa noC hoC aCSia.
Akan (Twi)Na ahwehwe po a ete se ahwehwe wo ahennwa no anim, na ateasefuo baanan a ani ayeye won anim ne won akyiri mama wowo ahennwa no ho ahyia.
English (KJV)And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.






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