Yohane 10: 18

Adinkraobi nNEC mEC nsaCm, na mEC ara na mECdEC mECtoC hc; na mECwc hoC qan se mECdEC mECtoC hc, na mECwc hoC qan se mECfa bio; aSedECe yi na mECNaa noC maCZa nQen.
Akan (Twi) Obi nnye me nsam, na me ara na mede meto ho; na mewo ho kwan se mede meto ho, na mewo ho kwan se mefa bio; ahyedee yi na menyaa no m’agya nkyen.
English (KJV)No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.






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