Adiyisem 2: 5

AdinkraEnti kae dECe woCfiri hwECEC asECe, na saQECra wajECnEC, na yc kanEC nnwuma noC! aNe saa a, meba woC soC na mabeyi woC kanECadua maCfiri nEC sibECre, ZEC se woCsaQECra wajECnEC.
AkanEnti kae dee wofriri hwee asee, na sakyera w’adwene, na yo kane nnwuma no! Anye saa a, meba wo so na mabeyi wo kaneadua mafiri ne sibere, gye se wosakyera w’adwene.
EnglishRemember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.






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