Yohane 2: 9

Adinkrana wcdEC kcEC. na adidiiehwefoCc noC kaa nsuo a adanEC nsa noC hweECe no – na cnnim dECe efirEC, na asoCmfoCc a wcsECsaa nsuo noC dECe, wcnim – na adidiiehwefoCc noC free ayECfoCrckunu noC,
AkanNa wode koe. Na adidiiehwefuo no kaa nsuo a adane nsa no hweee no – na onnim dee efire, na asomfuo a wosesaa nsuo no dee, wonim – na adidiiehwefuo no free ayeforokunu no,
EnglishWhen the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom,






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