2 Petro 1: 1

Adinkrasimcn pEtro, yEsu kristo akoa nEC soCmafoCc, dEC kcma wcn a wcaNa ZidiE a nEC boCc ye dECn se yen dECe noC, yen NankoCpcn nEC aZECnqa yEsu kristo tECnECnECEC mu:
AkanSimon Petro, Yesu Kristo akoa ne somafuo, de koma won a woanya gyidie a ne buo ye den se yen dee no, yen Nyankopon ne agyenkwa Yesu Kristo tenenee mu:
EnglishSimon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ:






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