Yohane 13: 1

Adinkrana twaCm afaSe noC rECbeduroC noC, na yEsu nim se nEC dcn aCduru se crECbefiri wi yi asEC akc aCZa noC nQen, na se cdcc cnoC ara nEC dECe a wcwc wiasEC noC, cdcc wcn kcsii aCsECe.
Akan (Twi)Na Twam afahye no rebeduro no, na Yesu nim se ne don aduru se orebefiri wi yi ase ako agya no nkyen, na se odoo ono ara ne dee a wowo wiase no, odoo won kosii asee.
English (KJV)Now before the feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end.






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