Yohane 12: 16

AdinkransoC naCsuafoCc noC aCnhunu yEinoCm kanEC noC; na oNankoCpcn See yEsu aCnimuoNam aCQiri noC, enoC na wckaECE se wcatwECre yEinoCm nEC hoC, na wcayc ama noC.
Akan (Twi)Nso n’asuafuo no anhunu yeinom kane no; na Onyankopon hyee Yesu animuoyam akyiri no, eno na wokaee se woatwere yeinom ne ho, na woayo ama no.
English (KJV)These things understood not his disciples at the first: but when Jesus was glorified, then remembered they that these things were written of him, and that they had done these things unto him.






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