Adiyisem 4: 8

Adinkrana atECasECfoCc baanan noC mu biara wc ntaban nsia, na aCniwa aSECSe wcn hoC nEC wcn mu mama, na wcnhoCmEC aCwia nEC anajoC se: kroCnkroCn, kroCnkroCn, kroCnkroCn nEC aCwuradEC NankoCpcn, adEC Ninaa soC tumfoCc a ctECnaa hc, na cwc hc, na crECbeba.
Akan (Twi)Na ateasefuo baanan no mu biara wo ntaban nsia, na aniwa ahyehyewon ho ne won mu mama, na wonhome awia ne anadwo se: Kronkron, kronkron, kronkron ne Awurade Nyankopon, ade nyinaa so tumfuo a otenaa ho, na owo ho, na orebeba.
English (KJV)And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.






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