Adiyisem 4: 5

Adinkrana aCNinam nEC ennEC hoCdoCc nEC aprannaa firi ahECnnwa noC mu firii aCdi, na EZa akanECa nsoCn a eye NankoCpcn ahoCnhoCm nsoCn noC rECderEC ahECnnwa noC aCnim.
Akan (Twi)Na anyinam ne enne hoduo ne aprannaa firi ahennwa no mu firii adi, na egya akanea nson a eye Nyankopon ahonhom nson no redere ahennwa no anim.
English (KJV)And out the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.






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