Adiyisem 4: 4

Adinkrana nhECnnwa aCduonu nan aCtwa ahECnnwa noC hoC aCsi, na mEChunuu mpaCnimfoCc aduonu nan se wctECtEC nhECnnwa noC soC SECSe ntadEC fitaa na sika abotirE boCbc wcn ti.
Akan (Twi) Na nhennwa aduonu nan atwa ahennwa no ho asi, na mehunuu mpanimfuo aduonu nan se wotete nhennwa no so hyehye ntade fitaa na sika abotire bobo won ti.
English (KJV)And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.






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