Yohane 9: 16

Adinkraenna farisifoCc noC mu bi kaa se: onipa yi mfiri NankoCpcn nQen, efiri se cnni hoCmECda. EbinoCm sEC: ebeye den na onipa dECbcnECyeni betumi ayc nsenQECrennECe a etEC sEyiE? na mpaECpaECmu baa wcn mu.
AkanEnna Farisifuo no mu bi kaa se: Onipa yi mfiri Nyankopon nkyen, efiri se onni homeda. Ebinom se: Ebeye den na onipa deboneyeni betumi ayo nsenkyerennee a ete seyie? Na mpaepaemu baa won mu.
EnglishTherefore said some of the Pharisees, This man is not of God, because he keepeth not the sabbath day. Others said, How can a man that is a sinner do such miracles? And there was a division among them.






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