Yohane 8: 52

Adinkraenna yudafoCc noC sECEC noC se: afEi na yeaChunu se woCwc hoCnhoCmmcnEC. abraham nEC aCdiyifoCc noC wuwui, na woC dECe, woCsEC: se obi di masem soC a, crECnka owuo nhwe ara da.
AkanEnna Yudafuo no see no se: Afei na yeahunu se wowo honhommone. Abraham ne adiyifuo no wuwui, na wo dee, wose: Se obi di m’asem so a, orenka owuo nhwe ara da.
EnglishThen said the Jews unto him, Now we know that thou hast a devil. Abraham is dead, and the prophets; and thou sayest, If a man keep my saying, he shall never taste of death.






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