Yohane 8: 28

Adinkraenna yEsu sECEC wcn se: se moCNa ma onipa ba noC soC a, enoC na moCbehunu se mECnEC noC, na mECmmc mEC ara mEC tirim mECNc biribi, na sedECe aCZa no QECreQECre mEC noC, enoC ara na mECka.
AkanEnna Yesu see won se: Se monya ma onipa ba no so a, eno na mobehunu se mene no, na memmo me ara me tirim menyo biribi, na sedee agya no kyerekyere me no, eno ara na meka.
EnglishThen said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am he, and that I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things.






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