Yohane 8: 9

Adinkrana wcn dECe, wctECECe na wcn ahoCnim buu wcn aten noC, wcfiri aCdi mmaakoC mmaakoC firi mpaCnimfoCc soC besii wcn a wcdi aCQirE soC; na ekaa yEsu nkoC nEC cbaa a cZina mfimfini noC.
AkanNa won dee, woteee na won ahonim buu won aten no, wofiri adi mmaako mmaako firi mpanimfuo so besii won a wodi akyire so; na ekaa Yesu nko ne obaa a ogyina mfimfini no.
EnglishAnd they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.






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