Yohane 1: 33

Adinkrana mEC dECe, anka mECnni noC, na dECe csoCmaa mEC se mECmmebc asu nsuo mu noC, cnoC na csECEC mEC se: dECe woCbehunu se hoCnhoCm no rECsianEC abetECna nEC soCc noC, cnoC nEC dECe cbc asu hoCnhoCm kroCnkroCn mu.
AkanNa me dee, anka menni no, na dee osomaa me se memmebo asu nsuo mu no, ono na osee me se: Dee wobehunu se honhom no resiane abetena ne suo no, ono ne dee obo asu Honhom Kronkron mu.
EnglishAnd I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost.


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